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Entry opportunities

We offer all sorts of ways to join us, at every level – make the most of your opportunity!

“From the development department over production with process planning to TES (Technical Engineering Services), I am taking care of the process engineering today. 35 years full of PULS and still glad to be on board.”

Josef Mandl | Senior Process Engineer

„It‘s fun to watch oneself developing continuously – challenged and supported by different areas of responsibility.”

Katrin Huberth | Distribution Manager and former Trainee 

„Out of the lecture hall and into practice. Due to my job as working student within the PULS marketing team I can get a view beyond the horizon.”

Maike Ritter | Working Student 

„Right from the start I was given sufficient flexibility to bring in my own creativity and to help to shape PULS.”

Hagen Schorsch | Global Collaboration Expert & Social Recruiter and former Apprentice

Vacancies are shown in our Job Section. You are also welcome to apply on a proactive basis. Just send your application to